Myth busting - Training Holidays with TTH

When I go about my daily business I am always surprised, and perhaps a little saddened, that people sometimes don't achieve what they want or set themselves appropriate goals because they have already talked themselves out of it.

I've often had a conversation with someone about a training camp, or training holiday and am met with a myriad of 'reasons' as to why they can't come, so I thought I would debunk some of the myths that seem to be surrounding our training camps.

You need to be good or an elite to go on a camp.

This is literally nonsense - you don't even need to be able to swim, bike or run!  Our coaches welcome all our guests regardless of ability and the ONLY thing we ask you to be good at when on holiday is having fun.  The best thing about being a coach is watching and helping someone progress, whether that's going for the next step on the podium, learning how to ride your bike with confidence/clipped in, or even nailing tumble turns.

Having fun

It costs too much money

There is no getting away from the fact the holidays aren't free, however with our holidays there are no hidden extras. Once accommodation and flights are accounted for, the only other times you will reach into your pocket is to get coffee mid-ride (1 Euro) and for the last night meal.  Transfers, breakfast, lunch, dinner, entry to the spa, entry to the pool and track - it's all covered.  All you need is some coffee euros....and if you don't drink coffee, then that's even less.

I'll be last and everyone will laugh at me/I'll hold people up

We have enough coaches to split the group into abilities, meaning you won't be trailing behind at the back of a group and if that means you happen to be in a group of one or two, then that's what we do. You'll often find that it's the smaller groups that get to where we are going first, leaving the 'fasties' to come in last!  Remember Myth 1, we're here to make sure you have fun, not struggle along at the back thinking this is the worst thing in the world.

Small, compact and friendly groups

I have unusual dietary habits and it will be too difficult to cater for me

You think?  We reckon we've seen it all before and nothing is unusual these days....besides, our holiday hosts, Scott and Lynn, like a challenge and having something unusual gives them a different perspective to have to cater for.  You name it, we've seen it.

I've only just started triathlon, I haven't even done my first race - I'll feel really out of place

Where else are you going to get such close attention and be able to ask all those silly questions? We've all been in the same position (guaranteed!) and are happy to talk about triathlon until the cows come home.  We're pretty confident you will come back from your holiday with lots of tips, techniques and confidence going into your first race.

If I take my bike, then I won't be able to put it together when I arrive

Firstly, you can hire a bike (including a fitting) so that you can eradicate this myth completely. Secondly, we're all more than capable of helping you put your bike together.  No-one is ever going to stand by and watch you struggle - that's not what we're about.....remember Myth 1; FUN!

Not quite ready for riding just yet

Everyone else will be super fit, tanned and bulging with muscles

We can assure you that triathletes come in all different shapes and sizes.  Yes, some people may be tanned, yes some people may have more muscles, but that doesn't mean they are any better or worse than you.  We are all human beings and at the end of the day, everyone there is looking to improve in some aspect of triathlon irrespective of age, gender, size, ability and how long they have been sitting in the sun!

Why do I need to even go on a training holiday?

Where shall we begin......first off, it's a great block of training that you can do with expert coaching and guidance.  Secondly, we provide more feedback than you could ever wish for with video analysis of your swimming and running and the opportunity to put some changes into place immediately. Along with the sunshine, the great roads, the increased confidence and fitness, the ever replenishing food cupboards, why not treat yourself to a training holiday.  You get 7 days of expert coaching for starters and end up going away with so much more!
